Thursday, January 5, 2012

some little things...

i finally got rid of unwanted books, cds, movies, clothes and some of my knick knacks before 2011 ended! whew! thanks to vena who drove me to goodwill! thanks to friends who came by and picked up stuff from my goodwill boxes! :)

here are some little things im happy to have surrounding me in my little apartment right now! 

candles! i love the cup and saucer! candle made by auntie loren!

amy butler sewing kit from michelle! love kits!!

mix cds! i am curious what friends wanted  me to listen to! and i love discovering new music! thanks charlie, erin, joseph and auntie loren! anyone else wants to make me more cds?? ;)

miniatures and figurines! just as many as possible! hehehe! momiji message doll from jeremiah! aaaww! so cuuuute!!!

fabrics! felt to be specific! jeremiah got me this assorted pack of felt! yay for more projects to make this year!!!!